Every winter a massive gathering of pavemnent industry professionals occurs in Nashville, TN. This year, NPE took place from Jan 28th-31st at the Music City Center. The owners of EcoSweeping, Mark & Becky Chamberlain, attended the gargantuan trade show, joined in extensive round table discussions and educational presentations with other industry leaders and experts, and networked with vendors, service providers and other pavement industry professionals from all over North America. As usual, EcoSweeping came away from NPE invigorated and ready to take on the challenges of a new year.

Nancy Terry from the North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA)
Jeff Old from Visual App
Chris Dick (current NAPSA Vice President) from Katsam Enterprises
Paula & Derek Rayburn from Scenic City Studios
Mark and Becky Chamberlain from EcoSweeping
The experience of attending the National Pavement Expo is a one of a kind whirlwind event. The opportunity to access the expertise of so many prominent asphalt industry figures and their combined hundreds, (or possibly thousands!) of years of experience together in one place is a resource of nearly incalculable value.

Bottom: Nancy Terry & Becky Chamberlain
NPE also offers EcoSweeping the opportunity to network with people from our industry trade groups, service alliances, and vendor partners. We were able to speak directly with representatives of the North American Power Sweeping Association, which is our sweeping industry trade group.

We also encountered representatives of 1-800-SWEEPER, an important service alliance partner.
In addition, we spoke with Derek and Paula Rayburn of Scenic City Studios, who are responsible for providing, managing and maintaining our critical business internet infrastructure and presence.

In conclusion, EcoSweeping had a wonderful experience at the National Pavement Expo, and look forward to returning next year! We have come away with updated knowledge and operational benefits to better serve our customers and employees.